Exploiting SQL Injection:

In this we are going to use tool that exploits SQL injection flaws ; the tool is called SQLMap;
It is powerful and versatile tool that contains a wide array of features some of them are:
  1. Error Based Injection
  2. Blind Injection
  3. Time based Injection
  4. Stacked Queries

Install it:

Introduction to SQLMap:
For demonstrations I have used an open source application DVWA
It takes a GET parameter named id and displays ID, First name, Surname.
For /dvwa/vulnerabilities/sqli/?id=1&Submit=Submit# it displayed first user
→ If we increment the ID parameter we will see different ID, First name, Surname

So what i have done here is , I have capture the request in burp suit (will explain in another post) and copied the request to a text file name d.txt

Let try SQLMap and try to check whether it is exploitable or not:
./sqlmap.py -r d.txt

  1. We get that GET parameter id might be vulnerable to XSS
  2. And back-end DBMS is  ‘MySQL
3.GET parameter ‘id ‘ is vulnerable.
When detection is over , SQLmap show variety of ways to exploit the flaw

Dumping the data-in error -based scenario:

Using -dbs , we can see list of database present in database

Once we have list of database , we select dvwa and dump out tables present inside it.
SQLMap provide the --tables to switch to list the same , but must be used in parallel with -D switch , which tell it which database to chose , while dumping.

We have extracted (dumped) the data from the table
We can use -C to dump specific column from table, but first let us print the column names
Then we select particular column:

→ FOR DUMP ALL: python sqlmap.py -r r.txt --dump-all

Interacting with the Wizard:
There is an interactive setup wizard where SQLMap asks fro thing in detail, one by one, starting with the injection URL.
Some data left.

SQLMap and URL rewriting:

Speeding process !

SQLMap runs only one single thread, which is slow. We can utilize --thread switch and specify a value for the number of threads, which ranges from 1 to 10. Increasing the thread increase overall performance of SQL map.

Let try out: First we simply dump all the table from table from database dvwa without thread and note time
Note: time utility to track and monitor the time

Command: → time  python sqlmap.py -r r.txt -D dvwa --dump
Command: →  time  python sqlmap.py -r r.txt -D dvwa --dump --thread 3

DUMPING the data -in blind and time-based scenarios:
Command→ python sqlmap -r blind.txt

time python sqlmap - r blind.txt -D dvwa -T users --dump
time python sqlmap - r blind.txt -D dvwa -T users --dump --predict-output
→ this done to reduce time

Python sqlmap.py  -r blind.txt --privileges
You can see user file privileges is available in image, so we can utilize this to read/write files from the injection if the file system permissions allow this ; MYSQL runs a separate user account to read/ write files to the file system in linux.

Python sqlmap.py -r blind.txt --file-read=/etc/passwd


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